This is something we came across from a recent book. Essentially, say these phrases that follow genuinely and without sarcasm for ESTABLISHING TRUST with your students.
Taken from a summary " Drawing on her extensive experience as a school counselor, trainer, and mother, trauma expert Jen Alexander delivers a comprehensive framework for building a safe, supportive school environment that helps all students learn and thrive. You'll start with an evidence-based introduction to the profound impact of trauma on a child's development, attachment, and behavior. Then you'll get an effective multi-tier system of support (MTSS) for developing a trauma-sensitive learning environment, including both universal strategies (Tier 1) and more intensive interventions (Tier 2 and Tier 3) for students who need more support. Compelling anecdotes and sample scripts illuminate challenges and solutions, and the included forms and worksheets are valuable tools for helping educators build the mindset and skills necessary for becoming trauma-sensitive. With this engaging, highly practical guide to what works and why, your school team will gain insights and develop action plans that make a real difference in the lives of all kids, including our most vulnerable youth."
You will have to read the book but for Establishing Trust:
You can trust me to take care of you.
I’m here for you.
You can count on me.
I want to help you with this.
I’m ready to help—just ask.
It looks like you could use some help with . . .
Are you strong enough to let me help you with that?
Can you trust me on this one?
I know what is best...
I like helping you.
Adapted from:
Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Your Guide to Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments for All Students by Jen Alexander. Copyright © 2019 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.